A Journey Through the World of Wine Grapes
Throughout history, humans have nurtured grape vines, specifically vitis vinifera, to create the exquisite wines we enjoy today. With over 10,000 wine grape varieties worldwide, only a select few have earned widespread acclaim. This blog will take you on a captivating tour of some of the most important wine grapes, both red and white, that have left an indelible mark on the world of winemaking. Exploring Red Wine Grapes: Pinot Noir: The Jewel of Burgundy Pinot Noir, the prized grape of Burgundy, France, is a delicate and notoriously difficult variety to grow. Wine enthusiasts gladly pay a premium for its flavors of red cherry, pomegranate, and cedar. Not only renowned in France, but it also flourishes in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, Baden, Germany, and New Zealand. Cabernet Franc: A French Treasure Grown in France's Loire Valley and Bordeaux, as well as New York's Finger Lakes region, Cabernet Franc exhibits medium body, moderate acidity, and tannins. With its red...